Peluang Usaha Online

peluang usaha

Kamis, 30 Juni 2011


Kumpulan Mutiara Kata

“Manusia bisa bahagia bisa tidak adalah tergantung pilihannya sendiri” (Abraham Lincoln).

“Akulah sumber pendorong diriku sendiri. Akulah kapten hidupku. Aku bisa memilih sikap yang bertanggung jawab atas kebahagiaan atau ketidakbahagiaanku sendiri. Akulah yang duduk di kursi pengemudi menuju takdirku, bukannya penumpang.”

“Yang penting bukanlah apa yang terjadi padamu dalam hidup ini, melainkan bagaimana responmu terhadap kejadian itu.” (W. Mitahell)

“Lakukanlah atau tidak. Tak ada sifatnya yang coba-coba.” (Yoda)

“Kebimbangan kita adalah pengkhianat kita, yang sering kali membuat kita kehilangan peluang menang karena takut mencobanya.” (William Shakespeare)

“Pertanyaan paling mendesak dalam hidup ini: Apakah yang kamu perbuat bagi orang lain.” (Martin Luther King)

“Sebuah kata yang baik bisa menghangatkan tiga bulan musim dingin.” (Pepatah Jepang)

“Niat-niat baik yang tidak diungkapkan tidak ada artinya.” (Ken Blanchar)

“Sumur diri kita dari mana tawa ria kita keluar, sering kali penuh dengan air mata kita. Semakin dalam dukacita kita semakin besar sukacita yang ditampungnya.” (Kahlil Gibran).

“Kita adalah kita yang terbaik bila menjadi diri kita sendiri.” (Kimberly Kirberger)

“Ketika satu pintu tertutup, ada pintu lain yang tebuka. Namun kita sering hanya menyesal yang tertutup sehingga tidak menyadari yang terbuka buat kita.” (Alexander Graham Bell)

“Kecantikan sejati ada dalam sanubari, namun kecerdasan sejati adalah bagaimana menyadarinya.” (Jenna Butrenchuk)

“Ketika semua orang meninggalkanmu, tinggalkan saja mereka dan berjalanlah sendiri.” (Dan “Rudy”Mulhausen)

“Satu-satunya jalan untuk bangkit dari kesedihan adalah menerimanya sebagi suatu kenyataan dan bersedia memulai sesuatu untuk menyembuhkan dan mengubahnya.” (Colin Mortensen)

“Seandainya kita bisa bersikap jujur mengakui kesalahan kita dan bukannya membela diri, kita akan mendapatkan kesempatan yang lebih besar untuk dimaafkan.” (KK)

“Waktu dan jarak tidak berarti. Kedekatan adalah urusan hati.” (Flavia)

“Persahabatan adalan pertalian yang hadir unuk membantumu mengatasi saat sulit dalam kehidupanmu. Para sahabat adalah sosok yang membuatmu bersedia melakukan apa saja untuk mereka dan yang bersedia melakukan apa saja bagi dirimu. Seorang sahabat adalah seseorang yang kau tak tahan untuk tidak mengenal pribadinya. Persahabatan terjalin terserah dengan cara apapun yang kau jalani.” (Britany Kusserow)

“Seandainya kau dicampakkan oleh sahabatmu, ketahuilah bahwa teman sejati kelak akan mengisi tempat yang kosong dalam dirimu.” (KK)

“Cinta bukan cinta sampai kita menyerahkannya.”

“Persahabatan sejati mirip dengan kesehatan tubuh kita nilainya jarang disadari sebelum kita akhirnya kehilangan.”

“Jangan berjalan di depanku, aku tidak akan mengikutimu. Jangan berjalan dibelakangku, aku takkan menunjukkan jalanmu. Berjalanlah disisiku dan jadilah sahabatku.” (Albert Camus)

“Jenius itu adalah 1% inspirasi dan 99% cucuran keringat.” (Thomas Alfa Edison)

“Ubahlah batu-batu sandungan anda menjadi batu loncatan.”

“Kita tidak tahu bagaimana hari esok, yang bisa kita lakukan adalah berbuat sebaik-baiknya dan berbahagia hari ini.” (Samuel Taylor Coleridge)

“Selalu tanamkan dalam pikiran bahwa ketetapan hati anda untuk berhasil lebih penting daripada hal apapun.” (Abraham Lincoln)

“ Kegagalan hanyalah kesempatan untuk memulai lagi dengan yang lebih pandai.” (Henry Ford)

“Kebesaran seseorang terletak dalam kekuatan berpikirnya.” (Blaise Pascal)

“Penghargaan tertinggi bagi kerja keras seseorang bukanlah apa yang ia peroleh dari usahanya tetapi apa jadinya ia oleh usahanya.” (John Ruskin)

“Orang tidak perduli berapa banyak yang anda tahu sampai mereka tahu seberapa banyak anda perduli.” (John Maxwell)

“99% kegagalan berasal dari orang yang mempunyai kebiasaan membuat alasan.” (George)

“Cara-cara menjadi bijaksana adalah tahu apa yang harus dimaafkan.” (William James)

“Untuk menikmati kebebasan, kita harus mengendalikan diri sendiri.” (Virginia Woolf)

“Hanya Tuhan yang boleh mengambil hidup seseorang karena ia yang memberikan.” (Mohandas K Gandhi)

“Kejujuran adalah kebijakan yang paling baik.”

“Jangan sia-siakan waktu anda untuk ragu-ragu dan takut. Laksanakanlah pekerjaan yang ada di depan mata, sebab tugas saat ini yang dilaksanakan dengan sebik-baiknya akan menjadi persiapan terbaik untuk masa-masa yang akan datang.”

“Gapailah langit karena jika melesatpun, kau akan tetap berada di antara bintang-bintang.”

“Orang-orang yang berhasil di dunia ini adalah orang yang bangkit dan mencari keadaan yang mereka inginkan dan jika tidak menemukannya, mereka akan membuatnya sendiri.” (George Bernard Shaw)

“Jika impianmu cukup besar, halangnya tidak akan berarti.”

“Perbedan antara yang mustahil dan yang tidak mustahil terletak pada tekad seseorang.” (Tommy Lasorda)

“Bukan kecerdasan saja yang membawa sukses, tetapi juga hasrat untuk sukses, komitmen untuk bekerja keras dan keberanian untuk percaya akan dirimu sendiri.”

“Dengan tetap mematuhi hal-hal yang tidak ditakdirkan untuk kulakukan, aku kini mengerti bahwa kekuatanku adalah hasil kelemahanku, kesukseanku adalah akibat kegagalanku dan gayaku langsung berkaitan denagn kertebatasanku.” (Billy Joel)

“Jika A = sukses dalam hidup, maka A= X+Y+Z. X =kerja Y =bermain Z = tutup mulut.”

“Seorang ahli kimia yang dapat mengeluarkan dari unsure hatinya, walas asih, rasa hormat kerinduan, kesabarn, penyesalan, keterkejutan, dan rasa maaf, lalu memadukannya menjadi suatu senyawa, akan mampu menciptakan atom yang disebut cinta.” (Kahlil Gibran)

“Jangan mengharapkan menjadi apa-apa selain menjadi dirimu sendiri dan cobalah menjadi dirimu sendiri yang sempurna.” (Santo Francis De Salas)

“Lawanya cinta bukanlah benci melainkan tidak perduli.” (Elie Wiesel)

Rabu, 29 Juni 2011


Hari ini saya lagi googling mengenai kata-kata motivasi dari Mario Teguh, dan saya menemukannya di sebuah website yang berisi kata-kata bijak tersebut, blognya cukup bagus dan saya merekomendasikan untuk berkunjung ke sana, dan berikut ini kata-kata bijak yang saya copas untuk di share dengan teman-teman semua :)

Kita menilai diri dari apa yang kita pikir bisa kita lakukan, padahal orang lain menilai kita dari apa yang sudah kita lakukan. Untuk itu apabila anda berpikir bisa, segeralah lakukan

Bukan pertumbuhan yang lambat yang harus anda takuti. Akan tetapi anda harus lebih takut untuk tidak tumbuh sama sekali. Maka tumbuhkanlah diri anda dengan kecepatan apapun itu.

Jika anda sedang benar, jangan terlalu berani dan bila anda sedang takut, jangan terlalu takut. Karena keseimbangan sikap adalah penentu ketepatan perjalanan kesuksesan anda

Tugas kita bukanlah untuk berhasil. Tugas kita adalah untuk mencoba, karena didalam mencoba itulah kita menemukan dan belajar membangun kesempatan untuk berhasil

Anda hanya dekat dengan mereka yang anda sukai. Dan seringkali anda menghindari orang yang tidak tidak anda sukai, padahal dari dialah Anda akan mengenal sudut pandang yang baru

Orang-orang yang berhenti belajar akan menjadi pemilik masa lalu. Orang-orang yang masih terus belajar, akan menjadi pemilik masa depan

Tinggalkanlah kesenangan yang menghalangi pencapaian kecemerlangan hidup yang di idamkan. Dan berhati-hatilah, karena beberapa kesenangan adalah cara gembira menuju kegagalan

Jangan menolak perubahan hanya karena anda takut kehilangan yang telah dimiliki, karena dengannya anda merendahkan nilai yang bisa anda capai melalui perubahan itu

Anda tidak akan berhasil menjadi pribadi baru bila anda berkeras untuk mempertahankan cara-cara lama anda. Anda akan disebut baru, hanya bila cara-cara anda baru

Ketepatan sikap adalah dasar semua ketepatan. Tidak ada penghalang keberhasilan bila sikap anda tepat, dan tidak ada yang bisa menolong bila sikap anda salah

Orang lanjut usia yang berorientasi pada kesempatan adalah orang muda yang tidak pernah menua ; tetapi pemuda yang berorientasi pada keamanan, telah menua sejak muda

Hanya orang takut yang bisa berani, karena keberanian adalah melakukan sesuatu yang ditakutinya. Maka, bila merasa takut, anda akan punya kesempatan untuk bersikap berani

Kekuatan terbesar yang mampu mengalahkan stress adalah kemampuan memilih pikiran yang tepat. Anda akan menjadi lebih damai bila yang anda pikirkan adalah jalan keluar masalah.

Jangan pernah merobohkan pagar tanpa mengetahui mengapa didirikan. Jangan pernah mengabaikan tuntunan kebaikan tanpa mengetahui keburukan yang kemudian anda dapat

Seseorang yang menolak memperbarui cara-cara kerjanya yang tidak lagi menghasilkan, berlaku seperti orang yang terus memeras jerami untuk mendapatkan santan

Bila anda belum menemkan pekerjaan yang sesuai dengan bakat anda, bakatilah apapun pekerjaan anda sekarang. Anda akan tampil secemerlang yang berbakat

Kita lebih menghormati orang miskin yang berani daripada orang kaya yang penakut. Karena sebetulnya telah jelas perbedaan kualitas masa depan yang akan mereka capai

Jika kita hanya mengerjakan yang sudah kita ketahui, kapankah kita akan mendapat pengetahuan yang baru ? Melakukan yang belum kita ketahui adalah pintu menuju pengetahuan

Jangan hanya menghindari yang tidak mungkin. Dengan mencoba sesuatu yang tidak mungkin,anda akan bisa mencapai yang terbaik dari yang mungkin anda capai.

Salah satu pengkerdilan terkejam dalam hidup adalah membiarkan pikiran yang cemerlang menjadi budak bagi tubuh yang malas, yang mendahulukan istirahat sebelum lelah.

Bila anda mencari uang, anda akan dipaksa mengupayakan pelayanan yang terbaik.

Tetapi jika anda mengutamakan pelayanan yang baik, maka andalah yang akan dicari uang

Waktu ,mengubah semua hal, kecuali kita. Kita mungkin menua dengan berjalanannya waktu, tetapi belum tentu membijak. Kita-lah yang harus mengubah diri kita sendiri

Semua waktu adalah waktu yang tepat untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik. Jangan menjadi orang tua yang masih melakukan sesuatu yang seharusnya dilakukan saat muda.

Tidak ada harga atas waktu, tapi waktu sangat berharga. Memilik waktu tidak menjadikan kita kaya, tetapi menggunakannya dengan baik adalah sumber dari semua kekayaan

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

12.0 Mega Camera-ALL IN ONE | 1.10 | iPhone | 18 Mb

After 6 months of developing, we make this amazing app for you!
Turn your iPhone camera into a amazing powerful camera with 12.0 Mega resolutions and zoom!
If you get this app, you will have the best phone camera in the world!

- 12.0 Mega (iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4)
- 8.0 Mega
- Software flash function
- 7 photo filter function
- Guide Lines:3x3 or 4x4 grid for better shots
- 5x Digital Zoom
- Countdown Mode
- Voice Shutter Mode
- Self-Timer shutter Mode
- Continuous Mode
- Time stamp

Image editor
- Rotate Image
- Screenshots
- 18 kinds of photo effects
- Tilt-shift
- Add text on Image
- Brightness adjustments

File Download

SketchBook Pro | 1.33 | iPhone | 12 MB

SketchBook Pro | 1.33 | iPhone | 12 MB

"This drop-dead gorgeous app for digital artists packs a rich feature set into a surprisingly intuitive interface." - WIRED Magazine.

Find out for yourself what has made SketchBook Pro the industry standard for digital sketching!

Autodesk SketchBook® Pro for iPad is a professional-grade paint and drawing application. Using the same paint engine as its desktop counterpart, SketchBook Pro delivers a complete set of sketching & painting tools through a streamlined and intuitive user interface designed exclusively for the iPad experience.

Whether you are an occasional doodler or a professional illustrator, SketchBook Pro transforms your iPad into the ultimate digital SketchBook.

If you love SketchBook Mobile for iPhone, you will adore SketchBook Pro on the iPad.


. Full Screen work space with support for any device orientation

. Canvas size: 1024 x 768

?Multi-Touch Interface:
. Two finger pan & zoom navigation with 2500% zoom
. Three finger tap for controls
. Three finger swipe gestures for quick access

?High Quality Brushes and Tools:
. Professional grade paint engine delivers smooth and precise brush strokes
. 75 preset brushes, including pencils, pens, markers, natural media and photo brushes
. New Nature & Stamp brushes
. Flood fill and smear tool
. Completely customizable brush settings for each brush
. Draw styles for creating straight lines, rectangles, and circles
. Synthetic pressure sensitivity (brush fade-off)
. 10 levels of undo and redo (Quick Access: three finger swipe left and right)
. Dynamic symmetric drawing
. Quick Access: Three finger swipe down on canvas
. Individual brushes can now be reset to factory settings by pressing and holding on their icons until the reset dialogue appears.

. 6 Layers allowing ease of editing and control
. Import layers from Photo Library
. Duplicate, Merge and Reorder Layers
. Move, scale, and rotate layers
interactively using Multi-Touch
. Toggle visibility and adjust Layer Opacity
. Quick Access: Three finger swipe up on canvas

? Blend Modes
. SketchBook 1.1 introduces Blend Modes to the layer editor.
. Supported Blend modes include: Multiply, Add, Screen and Normal
. When saving to PSD blend modes are maintained in the exported file

? Preserve Transparency
. When enabled on a layer this feature allows users to paint only on top of existing paint strokes. This is very useful for repainting, shading or other detailed work that requires exact detail within an area that has already been painted.

? Template Library
. A new Template Library is now available from the image import button in the Layer Editor. This library includes a variety of grids, perspective reference and ruled paper.

? Video Output
. When connected to a compatible display through either the Apple Component AV Cable or the Apple Dock Connector to VGA adaptor your canvas and gallery can be mirrored to an external display or television.

. Store and view work-in-progress
. Export to Photo Library
. E-mail images
. Export as a layered PSD file
. Browse images in full screen mode
. Export to iTunes File Sharing

. Color Wheel with HSB and RBG color space
. Customizable Color Swatches
. Eye-dropper color selection
. Erase color chip to convert any brush into custom eraser

? Customizable double tap canvas corners
. Customizable double tap canvas shortcuts. You can assign one of the following shortcuts to each corner: Clear Layer, Frame Canvas, Undo, Redo, Last Brush, Last Color.

Download file

Mobile Softwares, Games And Ringtones

SketchBook Pro | 1.33 | iPhone | 12 MB

"This drop-dead gorgeous app for digital artists packs a rich feature set into a surprisingly intuitive interface." - WIRED Magazine.

Find out for yourself what has made SketchBook Pro the industry standard for digital sketching!

Autodesk SketchBook® Pro for iPad is a professional-grade paint and drawing application. Using the same paint engine as its desktop counterpart, SketchBook Pro delivers a complete set of sketching & painting tools through a streamlined and intuitive user interface designed exclusively for the iPad experience.

Whether you are an occasional doodler or a professional illustrator, SketchBook Pro transforms your iPad into the ultimate digital SketchBook.

If you love SketchBook Mobile for iPhone, you will adore SketchBook Pro on the iPad.


. Full Screen work space with support for any device orientation

. Canvas size: 1024 x 768

?Multi-Touch Interface:
. Two finger pan & zoom navigation with 2500% zoom
. Three finger tap for controls
. Three finger swipe gestures for quick access

?High Quality Brushes and Tools:
. Professional grade paint engine delivers smooth and precise brush strokes
. 75 preset brushes, including pencils, pens, markers, natural media and photo brushes
. New Nature & Stamp brushes
. Flood fill and smear tool
. Completely customizable brush settings for each brush
. Draw styles for creating straight lines, rectangles, and circles
. Synthetic pressure sensitivity (brush fade-off)
. 10 levels of undo and redo (Quick Access: three finger swipe left and right)
. Dynamic symmetric drawing
. Quick Access: Three finger swipe down on canvas
. Individual brushes can now be reset to factory settings by pressing and holding on their icons until the reset dialogue appears.

. 6 Layers allowing ease of editing and control
. Import layers from Photo Library
. Duplicate, Merge and Reorder Layers
. Move, scale, and rotate layers
interactively using Multi-Touch
. Toggle visibility and adjust Layer Opacity
. Quick Access: Three finger swipe up on canvas

? Blend Modes
. SketchBook 1.1 introduces Blend Modes to the layer editor.
. Supported Blend modes include: Multiply, Add, Screen and Normal
. When saving to PSD blend modes are maintained in the exported file

? Preserve Transparency
. When enabled on a layer this feature allows users to paint only on top of existing paint strokes. This is very useful for repainting, shading or other detailed work that requires exact detail within an area that has already been painted.

? Template Library
. A new Template Library is now available from the image import button in the Layer Editor. This library includes a variety of grids, perspective reference and ruled paper.

? Video Output
. When connected to a compatible display through either the Apple Component AV Cable or the Apple Dock Connector to VGA adaptor your canvas and gallery can be mirrored to an external display or television.

. Store and view work-in-progress
. Export to Photo Library
. E-mail images
. Export as a layered PSD file
. Browse images in full screen mode
. Export to iTunes File Sharing

. Color Wheel with HSB and RBG color space
. Customizable Color Swatches
. Eye-dropper color selection
. Erase color chip to convert any brush into custom eraser

? Customizable double tap canvas corners
. Customizable double tap canvas shortcuts. You can assign one of the following shortcuts to each corner: Clear Layer, Frame Canvas, Undo, Redo, Last Brush, Last Color.

Download file

Beauty Guide | 1.3 | 8MB

Beauty Guide | 1.3 | 8MB


Beauty Guide - Allows you to apply makeup and corrects cosmetic defects directly on photos. With Beauty Guide you can make your pictures look even better than the originals! Beauty Guide will help you to apply lipstick, rouge, eye shadow, and powder; line eyelids; change eye color; smooth wrinkles; reduce swelling and eye puffiness; delete birthmarks and blemishes; and bleach teeth. You can do all of this right on the photo!!download|166l33|450338196|BGuide_1.3.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|8887

Photo Gallery Maker | 2.81 | 12MB

Photo Gallery Maker | 2.81 | 12MB


Photo Gallery Maker is a top-rated flash gallery & slideshow software that helps you create photo flash slideshow, 3D photo gallery and flash photo gallery with background music.

You can enjoy your splendid photo flash show on your local computer, burn the auto-run flash photo album to gift CD/DVD to share your happiness among your friends and family, build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows in dynamic SWF + HTML files so you can enrich your personal website and blog etc., and promote products by your excellent product presentation, or upload to our free web ablum host Go2Album and then embed into social networking website like myspace, blogger. It gives you easy steps to make flash slideshow with powerful personalization features for greater control. No Flash skill needed.

We've tried our best to make creating a photo slideshow with music as easy as 1-2-3. Basically, all you need is a mouse, a finger and a couple minutes!
Step 1: Choose flash template for your flash gallery
Step 2: Import your photos and music
Step 3: publish your flash slideshow on your local computer or post on Blog, FaceBook,MySpace, web page and more...

Key Features of Photo Gallery Maker
- Support to edit the imported photos
- Multiple publishing methods
- Customize your own flash template
- User-friendly and intuitive interface
- Support both digital music and CD tracks as background music
- Lots of transition effects
- Plenty of custom flash template, especially 3D flash templates
- XML-driven, have more control over flash photo gallery
- Embedding everywhere!download|166cg|450338209|Photo_Gallery_Maker_2.81.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|12697

AVCWare | Total Video Converter Plus | | 33MB

AVCWare | Total Video Converter Plus | | 33MB


Powerful and incredible, AVCWare Video Converter provides the most valuable solution to convert nearly all video formats from each other to satisfy different needs on diversified video players. It is capable of converting nearly all popular videos formats like AVI, MPEG, WMV, DivX, MP4, RM, MOV, XviD, 3GP and audio MP3, WMA, WAV, RA, M4A, AAC, AC3, OGG between each other. With AVCWare Video Converter, you can convert any video/audio/animated picture to make it playable on your PSP, PS3, iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Xbox, Google phones, iPad and other digital multimedia devices.

AVCWare Video Converter also enables you to edit videos, like video cropping, trimming and video effects adjustment. Besides, for a better video conversion experience, AVCWare Video Converter have been upgraded with NVIDIA CUDA technology offering improved video encoding/decoding performance (when processing high-definition videos in particular) for any computer running on CUDA-enabled GPU. With this video converter, you can make customized videos and share them with your friends on your digital multimedia players.

Key Features
• Convert between Multiple Video Formats
• Convert between Various Audio Formats
• Create Videos from Pictures
• Clip Video Segments
• Combine Files into One
• Split One Files into Several Parts
• Crop Frame Size
• Add Special Effects/watermark/Subtitle/Soundtrack into Videos
• Gain Better Performance with NVIDIA CUDA
• Calculate Output File Size
• Built-in Media Player
• Background Conversion
• Complete Batch Tasks Simultaneously
• Post-Conversion Actions
• Multiple Interface Languages

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Pet Eye Fix Guide | 1.1 | 6MB

Pet Eye Fix Guide | 1.1 | 6MB


Pet Eye Fix Guide is a straight-forward application that can help you correct any color of shining eyes from your pet's photos. Can be used for human red eye also. Allows you to adjust even fully light-struck eyes.

Here are some key features of "Pet Eye Fix Guide":
· Shading - remove flash
· Gleam - add gleam
· Eye Color - changes iris color
· Pupil - restore pupil in fully light-struck eyes
· Cat Pupil - restore cat pupil in fully light-struck eyes
· Emphasis - accentuate the eyes or other features

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Easy Mail Plus | | 5MB

Easy Mail Plus | | 5MB


From the complexity of database management to the design of graphic layouts for envelopes and labels, Easy Mail Plus is more powerful and easier to use than is any other mailing list software available. We invite you to compare and see for yourself. Since Easy Mail Plus is shareware, you can try it risk-free. The evaluation version is fully functional, not limited in any way. Download it now, then use it free for 30 days, including any of the supporting components of interest. This is our way of guaranteeing your satisfaction with this top-of-the-line mailing list software.

Would you like to . . .
• Create custom layouts for envelopes, labels and letterheads?
• Create and save an unlimited number of layouts for different purposes?
• Include graphics in your layouts and documents?

Do you need the ability to . . .
• Send a personalized letter to selected clients or customers?
• Make more effective use of your own database files?

Would it be handy if you could . . .
• Find any data item in your files instantly?
• Enter zip code and have the city and state filled in automatically?
• Use addresses with up to 8 lines of 50 characters each?
• Temporarily limit your mailing list to addresses in one zip code or state?
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Wise PC Engineer | 6.33 | Build 209 | 8MB


Wise PC Engineer is a bundle of most important system utilities for performing different tasks on your PC. It not only can help you clean Windows Registry, free up disk space, defragment registry and disk, erase privacy data and recover lost file, it also can hidden important file or folder for you, lockup your personal applications. Of course, you can call it as super registry cleaner software, or super disk cleaner. After using, you'll find it really a ALL-IN-ONE PC tools for improving PC Performance. If your computer are running slower and slower, please don't hesitate to use Wise PC Engineer, it will help you keep your pc running at optimum performance!

What can Wise PC Engineer do?

• Registry Backup
• Registry Cleaner
• Registry Defragment
• Startup Program Manager
• Disk Cleaner
• Disk Defragment
• File Recovery
• File/Folder/Drive Scrub
• Memory Optimizer
• Windows Auto Shutdown
• File/Folder Hider
• Application Encrypt and Unencrypt
• 1-Click Tune-up


Cosmetic Guide | 1.3 | 8MB

Cosmetic Guide | 1.3 | 8MB


Cosmetic Guide - Virtual cosmetic - corrects cosmetic defects directly on photos. With Cosmetic Guide you'll be able to make your pictures look even better than they do! Cosmetic Guide will help you to smooth wrinkles, reduce swelling and eye puffiness, delete birthmarks and blemishes, and bleach teeth. You can do all of this right on the photo!

Your virtual cosmetic bag offers these tools:
* Skin Care - give a younger look by reducing visible wrinkles and eye puffiness;
* Smart Path - can be used to remove skin moles and other skin blemishes;
* Bleach Teeth - whiten teeth, can also be used for the whites of the eyes.

DOWNLOAD FILE!download|166tg|450338199|Cosmetic_Guide_1.3.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|8495

Foxit Phantom | 2.2.4 | Build 0225 | 16MB

Foxit Phantom | 2.2.4 | Build 0225 | 16MB


Foxit Phantom is a business ready PDF toolkit, with everything you need to create professional PDF documents and streamline business processes: fast, easy to use, and at a price that fits your budget. Foxit Phantom is a professional PDF toolkit without the bloat. Foxit Phantom has just the right features for business including creating, editing, organizing and securing PDF files.

From Foxit Corporation, a Microsoft Certified Partner, Foxit Phantom joins Foxit’s award-winning PDF tools product line, including Foxit Reader, with over 90 million downloads worldwide. Foxit Phantom provides an all in one solution for business users of PDF, and a sensible alternative to Adobe Acrobat. Unlike other PDF tools, Foxit Phantom lets you edit content directly. Or you can use the convenient annotation tools to add comments, highlights, stamps, and more. Delete pages, add pages, and assemble new PDF documents. Plus, Foxit Phantom’s robust security features keep your business documents safe. Password protect documents, add certificate encryption, and sign with digital certificates.

DOWNLOAD FILE!download|166l3|450338201|Foxit_Phantom.|14384

Beepa Fraps | 3.3.0 | Retail | 2MB

Beepa Fraps | 3.3.0 | Retail | 2MB


Fraps - a program designed to count the number of FPS (frames per second) in the applications running in OpenGL and Direct3D. The utility is able to take screenshots and record video with the image on the screen. This is a universal Windows application that can work with all games using DirectX technology or OpenGL. Manage the program can not exit the game, with the help of hot keys. Above all, in advance, make sure that the keyboard shortcuts Fraps does not coincide with the keys used in the game. With Fraps can capture the best moments not only in the form of single frames, but in motion with sound. Users can see the statistics of the parameter frames per second, recorded it in a file, or display the counter in one corner of the screen. Your screen captures are automatically named and timestamped.

Basic Fraps:
• Testirovanie performance - displays the number of frames per second (FPS), can measure the performance between the two points during the game;
• A tool for capturing images - allows you to capture a single frame in 3D applications (by pressing a hot key), which are automatically stored in the selected folder;
• Capture video in real time - enables you to record video at resolutions up to 1152x864 and 100 frames per second.

FILE DOWNLOAD :!download|166l33|450338195|Beepa.Fraps.v3.3.0.retail-FOSI.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|2618

Moo0 RightClicker Pro | 1.44 | Multilingual | 11MB

Moo0 RightClicker Pro | 1.44 | Multilingual | 11MB


Moo0 RightClicker is a set of enhancements on the context menu (right click menu) of Windows Explorer. It adds many useful functionalities like duplicating current explorer window, open/move to/copy to bookmarked folders, hiding default context menus, and so forth.

FILE DOWNLOAD:!download|166cg|450338203|Moo0_RightClicker_Pro_1.44.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|10675

PDF Password Remover | 3.12 | 1MB

PDF Password Remover | 3.12 | 1MB


Decryption is being done instantly. Decrypted file can be opened in any PDF viewer (e.g. Adobe Acrobat Reader) without any restrictions - i.e. with edit/copy/print functions enabled. All versions of Adobe Acrobat (including 5.x, which features 128-bit encryption) are supported. The standard security provided by PDF consists of two different methods and two different passwords. A PDF document may be protected by password for opening ('user' password) and the document may also specify operations that should be restricted even when the document is decrypted: printing; copying text and graphics out of the document; modifying the document; and adding or modifying text notes and AcroForm fields (using 'owner' password).

PDF Password Remover features
* Easy to use;
* Support drag and drop PDF files;
* Do NOT need Adobe Acrobat software;
* Support Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, Vista systems;
* Support both 32bit and 64bit systems;
* Remove the security settings from your encrypted PDF file is instant;
* Support command line operation (for manual use or inclusion in scripts);
* Support PDF1.7 format (formerly only supported by Acrobat 8.0 application);
* Support PDF1.7 (Acrobat 8.x) files, including 40-bit RC4 decryption, 128-bit RC4 decryption, AES decryption, compressed files and unencrypted metadata;
* Batch operation on many files from command line;
* Support Adobe Standard 40-bit Encryption, Adobe Advanced 128-bit Encryption and AES Encryption;
* Decrypt protected Adobe Acrobat PDF files, removing restrictions on printing, editing, copying;
FILE DOWNLOAD :!download|166l35|450338207|PDF.Password.Remover.v3.12-FOSI.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|1012

AutoPlay Menu Builder | 6.1 | Build 1911 | 4MB

AutoPlay Menu Builder | 6.1 | Build 1911 | 4MB


AutoPlay Menu Builder is one of the best tools for creating an automatic playing menu to launch your cd or dvd. No programming experience is necessary! Just click and drag your mouse a few times, and like magic you can build a menu which will pop up when your disc is inserted into the drive. From the menu you can launch applications, open documents, play movies, and do much, much more. This is the simple, elegant solution to your disc creation needs.

- Just thinking, no programming
- Rapid development environment to create autoplay menus quickly
- Powerful WYSIWYG designer, easy to use without learning
- Easy testing without burning on disc
- Protect menus from being modified by others with password
- Create projects from templates, and create own templates
- Support multi-page window, shaped window and full screen window
- Cool splash screen with shaped, fade in, fade out and animated effects
- Internal slide show support with a large set of effects
- Many kinds of actions such as launching application, open document, etc
- Many cool controls
- Embed Flash Player, Internet Explorer and Windows Media Player in menus
- Standard or customized tool tip while moving cursor over controls
- Text and graphic comments while moving cursor over controls
- Support MP3/MP2/MP1/OGG/WAV/MID/RMI/XM/IT/MOD/S3M files for background music
- Create stand-alone executable files
- Customize disc icon and mouse cursors
- Install specified fonts before loading a menu

Changes in AutoPlay Menu Builder 6.1 Build 1911:
- Drag and drop to change page order easily
- Add "Password" property to action controls
- Support environment variables in some action parameters
- Minor bugs fixed.

FILE DOWNLOAD :!download|166tl2|450338194|AutoPlay_Menu_Builder_6.1_Build_1911.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|4721

RenameMaestro | 5.1.1 | 3MB

RenameMaestro is probably the easiest and quickest way to rename thousands of files and folders instantly. In just a few simple clicks you can remove the existing names or extensions, type in a new one, add numbers or dates and you're done. You get an instant preview every step of the way before you rename the files and folders. Adding files and folders is as simple as using drag and drop. If you wish, just drop one directory in and RenameMaestro will add all the files within it instantly.

FILE DOWNLOAD :!download|166dt|450338211|RenameMaestro_v5.1.1.By.www.VipraSys.org_WARLORDz.rar|3721

Selasa, 01 Maret 2011



Cheetah.DVD.Maker.v1.25-BEAN.rar [14.87 Mb]

active code 4 corel videostudio proX4


Minggu, 27 Februari 2011



Persea americana M.

SIFAT KIMIAWI: Tumbuhan ini kaya dengan berbagai kandungan kimia yang sudah diketahui, a.l :

- Buah dan daun mengandung : Saponin alkaloida dan flavonoid.

- Buah juga mengandung tanin, daun juga mengandung polifenol, quersetin dan gula alkohol persiit.

EFEK FARMAKOLOGIS: Dalam farmakologi Cina dan pengobatan tradisional lain disebutkan bahwa tanaman ini memiliki sifat : Daun: rasa pahit, kelat, peluruh kencing. Biji: anti radang, analgesik.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa daun bersifat anti bakteri yaitu menghambat pertumbuhan beberapa spesies bakteri: staphylococcus sp, Pseudomonas sp, Escherichea sp dan Bacillus sp.


1. Sariawan Sebuah isi (daging buah) alpukat yang sudah masak diberi 2 sendok makan madu murni, diaduk merata lalu makan. Lakukan setiap hari sampai sembuh.

2. Kencing batu. Daun alpukat 4 lembar, 3 buah rimpang teki, 5 tangkai daun randu, setengah biji pinag, 1 buah pala, 3 jari gula enau, dicuci lalu direbus dengan 3 gleas air sampai tersisa 2 ¼ gelas. Stelah dingin disaring, minum 3 kali ¾ gelas.

3. Darah tinggi, sakit kepala. Tiga lembar daun alpukat dicuci bersih lalu diseduh dengan 1 gelas air panas. Minum setelah dingin.

4. Kulit muka kering Buah diambil isinya lalu dilumatkan sampai seperti bubur. Dipakai untuk masker, dengan cara memoles muka yang kering. Muka dibasuh dengan air setelah lapisan masker tersebut mengering.

5. Sakit gigi berlubang. Lubang pada gigi dimasuki biji alpukat.

6. Bengkak karena peradangan. Bubuk dari biji secukupnya ditambah sedikit air sampai menjadi adonan seperti bubur, balurkan ke bagian tubuh yang sakit.

7. Kencing manis. Biji dipanggang diatas api, dipotong kecil-kecil, kemudian digodok dengan air sampai airnya menjadi coklat. Saring, minum setelah dingin.

8. Teh daun alpukat Untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit kepala, bengkak pada saluran napas, rasa nyeri syaraf (neuralgia) dan datang haid tidak teratur.

9. Nyeri syaraf dan nyeri lambung. Daun 3 – 6 lembar, diseduh atau direbus, minum.

10. Saluran napas membengkak, menstruasi tidak teratur Daun 3-6 lembar diseduh atau rebus,minum.

Catatan : Wanita hamil dilarang pakai. Sudah dibuat obat paten.